Patient Experience Survey

Have you recently had an appointment at Health Zone NPLC? Tell us your experience so we can continue to meet your needs.

  1. The last time you were sick or were concerned you had a health problem, how many days did it take from when you first tried to see your Nurse Practitioner to when you actually saw her/him or someone else in their office?
  2. Did you get an appointment on the day you wanted or within an acceptable timeframe?
  3. When you see your Healthcare Providers, how often do they or someone else in the office...?
    1. Give you an opportunity to ask questions about recommended treatment
    2. Involve you as much as you want to be in decisions about your care/treatment
    3. Spend enough time with you
    1. How many times in the past 12 months have you received care from a walk-in clinic or Emergency Department?
    2. If you have received care from a walk-in clinic or Emergency Department, what was the reason for the visit?
    1. Have you been hospitalized in the past 12 months?
    2. If yes, did you book a follow-up appointment with this clinic?
    (Note: We strongly recommend you book a post-hospital discharge follow-up within 7 days)
    1. Do you take prescription medication(s) on an ongoing basis?
    2. If yes, in the past 12 months, did you review your medications with your Nurse Practitioner and/or Pharmacist?
  4. We are a Team-Based healthcare model. Please let us know whom you saw in the past 12 months? Please check ALL that apply.
  5. Do you feel you have received comprehensive care by seeing a team of health care professionals?
  6. Overall, how would you rate your experience with this clinic?
  7. Would you recommend our services to friends or your family?
  8. Please list any areas in which our service could be improved or any other comments/suggestions about our clinic.
May we add your comments to our website?